Day Camp (Ages 6 - 12) JULY 21 - 25, 2025
Come and enjoy all the fun of our traditional camp while still enjoying the warmth of your bed at night. Day campers have the opportunity to enjoy all the fun of CAMP MONAHAN; cooling off in our; swimming pool, relaxing on the beach, canoeing on Katepwa, getting creative in arts and crafts, working on your marksmanship in archery, and exploring the wonders of God’s creation!! Day camp is held at our beautiful camp on Katepwa Lake and runs Monday to Fridays from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Lunch and snacks will be provided. Bussing will be available from Regina to Camp Monahan with a morning pickup time of 8:00 AM and returning at 6:00 PM. On Thursday night, all day campers will be invited for a sleepover at camp, giving them a taste of what overnight camp will be! Families are asked to join us on Friday at camp for a final campfire and barbeque. All campers must be picked up on Friday evening at Camp Monahan by 7:00, so you can see what we have been up to for the week!
Camper Fees
We strongly believe that camp has the ability to have a positive impact on all! As such, we work hard to ensure that every child who want to attend camp has the opportunity. On average our total camper fees, cover 60% of our annual operating budget. The remaining 40% is raised through grants, donations and fundraising events.
We now offer guardians the option to pay according to their budget. You choose the pricing that fits what you can afford. Regardless of which pricing option you choose each child who attends camp will receive the same programming.
Below are the three main price options for one week of day camp:
$350 per camper - This price represents the actual cost to send a child to camp, without subsidy.
$325 per camper - Subsidized Tier 2
$300 per camper – Subsidized Tier 3
Transportation to day camp is $50 per camper and is not subsidized.
We work very hard to make sure camp is safe, affordable, and fun. By choosing one of our alternative fees, you will be supporting the continued enhancements we are making to our programing, improving our infrastructure and increasing our Sustainability plan for the future. For more details on our fundraising initiatives click here Fundraising Initiatives
If these prices do not fit your budget, you may consider our volunteer parent program. Parents, guardians, grandparents, aunts uncles are welcome to apply to volunteer a week of their time in service to Camp Monahan and receive one week of regular camper fees. We are looking for adults to work in the kitchen, first aid attendants, and maintenance. Please contact our office if you are interested. Application for further sponsorship may also be made to cover the cost of camp. Please contact our office for further information on our sponsorship program. All sponsorship applications must be received by June 15th.
We are most grateful to the Lorne and Evelyn Jonhson Foundation, Saskatchewan Community Initiatives and Access communications fund for their support of our sponsorship program.